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  Programs Tailor Made for All Needs    

Guitar lessons kettering
  Introduction Program    

Without being too geeky about it, music is a universal language which we all understand quite often without realising it. Just as we have all learnt a language,music is a far easier one to learn and a lot like the principle of balance in which we all have some degree of it. Working in the shop I would have people say almost on a daily basis that they were not musical.I can honestly say everybody is musical in my experience and we all understand it without knowing it.


Just like learning a language we start with the basics such as a few chords and a couple of simple scales which you will recognise. The first step is then stringing a few together to make simple phrases and basically understand what you are hearing. The more you start learning,the more you realise the simple stuff is the best ironically.

Guitar lessons kettering
  Basic Program    

Once you have learnt a few chords and scales it's amazing how many almost infinite variations there are from such simple building blocks. The best way is to learn a few of your favourite songs. These almost always turn out far easier than you would imagine and you will wonder why you do didn't do this before. Once you can use these songs as a blueprint,it is easy to start working out songs and even writing your own. Just as in any form of learning it is always best to work to an individual's strengths and this makes it far easier.

Guitar lessons kettering
  Custom Program   

I will use the language analogy again. Just as in language there are many of them and even within the languages there are different accents which you will recognise. This is basically what genres/styles are. Just as different styles of music can sound quite different it is often surprising how many common parts they share. If Somebody wants to learn country it will share a lot of structure and theory with styles such as blues and rock'n'roll.

Ultimately I teach styles as diverse as death metal to pop and even these will share certain principles.

If somebody wants to do exams or theory I can also help with this. Theory is surprisingly easy and I would liken the most important stuff to very simple maths. Don't be put off by this,after all as the saying goes, it's only rock'n'roll. Theory can also help out with working out other people's songs for yourself and writing and even recording your own material.

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